Wednesday, December 19, 2012

2nd Creative Group Project- Ballet

Prompt: Explain your contribution to the second creative group project. What role or roles did you play in the project? What did you learn from the project? How did you learn from others in the project?

    I would like to start this blog by saying that I am glad we chose Ballet as our creative topic. I would never have thought that I would have found this topic interesting, mainly because of the social barriers that a feminine dance such as ballet presents.
    My role to this group project was to teach the class about ballet choreography and organization. Choreography is a pretty broad term because it encompasses the acts of teaching dance, designing dance and practicing dance. The subject of organization ties into the subject of choreography because of how a ballet company is organized in a specific way to distribute the tasks of teaching ballet.
Members of a ballet company including men and women
    I learned quite a bit from this project. I reaffirmed by belief that art is very flexible in its definition and can be pretty much anything that is appealing to the senses of sight or hearing. After discovering that Disney productions such as Cinderella were originally ballet performances, I began to appreciate different forms of theater even more. As I may have mentioned in an earlier blog, I was not extremely interested in theater when I first signed up for this class. Watching plays such as Loose Knit and researching facts about ballet has opened my eyes to things that I was previously oblivious to. 
A ballet performance of Cinderella in Pennsylvania
    My group members also had a good contribution to this project. Not much could have happened if it wasn't for their work. As you already may know, meeting up to complete group projects in college is difficult because of the task of finding the same holes in people's schedules. Finding mutual time was difficult but we all did our best to make sure the class got an idea of what ballet is all about. Ballet might be one of those topics which comes off as something it is not. I had a preconceived notion of ballet as a super feministic form of dance....but I soon found out I was wrong once I realized that it requires a tremendous amount of physical balance, discipline and strength.
A male ballet dance, also known as a ballerino
    Overall, I enjoyed this creative group project. I learned a lot more than just choreography of ballet or organization of ballet. 

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